1. Introduce yourself.

The name bestowed upon me is Ahmad Suhaimi bin Abdul Shukor

2. How would you rate yourself in terms of your computer skills? (e.g. expert, novice, savvy, geek, illiterate etc)

I would not say I'm adept in any computer skills but I think I can handle them very well.

3. What computer software and hardware knowledge do you have?

I have listed down the software that I have a good grasp at which are:
Basic Software - Microsoft Word, PPT, Excel
Advanced Software - SPSS, Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C++

4. How do you think technology can assist learners learn a 2nd or a foreign language? (Do not Google the answer)

Well, we live in an era which we can't breathe without the technology. After having thoughts about this, I have envisaged that technology will capture the needs of utilizing the skills needed to learn a new language. Ergo, the learners would be able to augment their learning style throughout the use of technology. Gazillions of applications that are offered to the society for sake of utilizing them in gaining knowledge. With the well-built application or software, it will assist the learners of language to a whole new level.

5. Have you experienced learning via the computer (online courses, using courseware, websites etc)?

Yes, i have.

6. Did you try to incorporate technology in some of your lessons during your practicum? Was it a success or a failure? If you did not, what was/were the reason(s)?

Yes, I did but I think I had an issue with implementing technology in some lessons as the school did not have ample facilities to support the way of teaching in technology.

7. What is your opinion/prediction/perception on the use of technology in language teaching and learning?

In point of view, the use of technology in language teaching and learning might be benelovent and malevolent at the same time but it depends on the way of technology being administered or implemented. Overall, the benefits outnumber the harms of technology as we can have limitless input to procure the best way of teaching and learning.

8 What do you hope to learn/gain from this course?

I hope I can project the idea of using technology in teaching English as Second Language and make the best out of it. Certainly, this course will place me at the solid platform to establish myself as an expert user of technology in channeling knowledge which is pertinent to English language.

9. What is the topic chosen for your Academic Exercise? Why have you chosen the topic? Who is your supervisor?  How do you plan to complete your AE so that it follows the designated processes (chapter by chapter) and can be submitted on time?

To be frank, I haven't consulted with my supervisor regarding my Academic Exercise. But I have something in mind that I wanted to set it as my topic for AE. The topic is a survey on the perception of the ESL students towards the use and preferences of dictionary. I came out with this topic when I always use my dictionary when I encounter new vocabulary.
